Liturgical Furnishings


Little Way Construction specializes in liturgical design, furnishings, and small renovations for Churches and home Chapels. Example liturgical projects include altars, ambos, pews, kneelers, tables, and minor renovation projects. When crafting each piece, the goal is to reflect the space, design, and architecture of its church or home environment. The end result assists in establishing quiet places of prayer, reflection, and worship, in order to more fully orient the person toward the Divine. Below are some of the related projects completed.

Scott Bergeron has received certificates in the following courses from the Liturgical Institute: An Introduction to the Sacred Liturgy, The Theology of Beauty and the Sacred Liturgy, and Liturgical Art and Architecture.


Featured Project

Home Altar and Pew: The purpose of the project was to provide a small family altar and matching pew for a home prayer room. The family requested that the design incorporate a few of their favorite icons, the Miraculous Medal, the St. Benedict Medal, and a Marian symbol. They also wanted the design to complement an existing kneeler they had so that everything would blend together in color and style. The final altar featured a three-tiered arched headboard with pedestal shelves for statues, a base with shelving to display memorabilia, and columns to match the kneeler design. A computer image of each side of the icons were converted into 3D images that were then carved by CNC routing and mounted into the headboard and the pew ends. A Marion image was also routed into the top of the altar. Both furnishings were finished with a two-tone stain and gold leafing to match the kneeler. View More Featured Projects…